Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Safety
The South Shore Bird Club is a group of friends who organize walks so that we can get out and enjoy nature together. We catch up, look for birds, ask about a neat plant or critter that we run into and if the trip leader has mercy on us, we might even stop for lunch during an all-day trip. The beauty of the club is how genuinely happy we are to see and spend time with one another and how we share a mutual respect for the club and our fellow members. We also get great joy from getting to know and birding with new members. The simplest form of SSBC’s philosophy is to have fun - and don’t cause others not to have fun.
SSBC adheres to and promotes the following principles;
· We welcome everyone regardless of sex or gender identity, race, age, or social/economic status
· Abuse or harassment of any form will never be tolerated
· Any member or trip participant who has experienced or witnessed abuse or harassment of any form is encouraged to notify any SSBC officer immediately so that appropriate action can be taken (see “Historical Information and Officers” page for email addresses).
Let's continue to be a role model bird club that provides a safe and welcoming environment, where everyone can have fun and find peace in the outdoors